Daily Illuminator

September 14, 2010: Loren Wiseman Recovering From Quadruple Bypass

Some of you knew that already. For those who didn't: he's recovering quite nicely. The Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society is on hiatus until he can resume editorial duties.

He tells the story (with an enviable sense of humor) in his August 24th JTAS editorial, linked here.

As a freelancer, Loren has no employer-provided medical insurance (as the publisher of JTAS that bothers me a lot, because this is the kind of catastrophe that insurance is FOR . . . , but insurance companies want the employees they insure to be actual employees, working at least 30 hours per week. Go figure). And, as you can imagine, this kind of procedure is expensive. Contributions to his PayPal account (loren@sjgames.com) will be welcomed.

-- Steve Jackson

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