Daily Illuminator

September 10, 2010: Name That Zombie!

The Zombie Dice app lets you play against computer-controlled zombies like Grim Jim, Dead Fred, Feral Carol, Rank Hank . . . you get the idea. But we can't possibly have plumbed the depths of stupid rhyming zombie names. So: a contest! Send us stupid rhyming zombie names . . . of no more than 14 characters.

Tweet your ideas to @sjgames, using the #zombiedice hashtag so everyone can see what's been suggested. All submissions become the property of SJ Games, bla bla bla fnord BRAAIIIINS! You have 24 hours, starting at midnight central time Thursday, when this was posted. You may put as many ideas as you like in each tweet.

The first ones to suggest new names that we really, really like will be acknowledged here and will receive copies of the physical Zombie Dice game. There will be up to five winners. And those names will go into the iPad build of the app (which is very close to done!), and will be added to the iPhone version when we update it. And, of course, they'll be used in later ports of the app, like the Android one that we have been told in no uncertain terms that you want to see NOW.

You do not have to have a copy of the app to enter . . . but if you don't have it, you will probably end up suggesting names that are already in there. Since the app is free, your research costs will be zero if you download it. Except for the inevitable loss of BRAAIIIINS!

I look forward to seeing your terrible, brain-cell-destroying ideas.

-- Steve Jackson

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