Daily Illuminator

October 1, 2011: James W. Does It Again

As all know, James Wallis rocks. The creator of (among many other things) Once Upon A Time and The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen . . . well, he just rocks, and that's all there is to that.

And now he has put a complete roleplaying game on the back of his business card. Now, he acknowledges that this idea is borrowed from another James: the amazing and prolific James Ernest, he of Cheapass Games, who has been putting little tiny completely-workable dice/card/whatever games on the back of his business cards for years. But . . . a roleplaying game?

I'm in awe, if "awe" is the right word for a reaction that included a fit of actual out-loud giggles and a fist-bump into thin air. I'm going to play Here on Business the next time I go to a show. And I want to see James E's return move in the business-card game, too.

-- Steve Jackson

PS: See and hear James Wallis in this video, and marvel at the atrocities he brings to light. Did I mention that James rocks?

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