Daily Illuminator

August 9, 2010: The Best Laid Plans . . .

Back in 2008, we announced that we'd gotten a license to produce RPG material for Dream Pod 9's Heavy Gear universe. We had a plan, and with e23, we had the distribution path.

However, we didn't have the bandwidth. Other, higher priority projects kept coming up, and Heavy Gear never got the attention it deserved.

At the same time, Dream Pod 9 has expanded, boosted by the success of their Heavy Gear Blitz miniatures rules and figures. Their staff is, of course, steeped in the world and eager to expand their range of support.

So we've done the logical thing, and handed the Heavy Gear RPG back to DP9. It's too bad that we can't be involved, but the setting deserves the attention that DP9 can give it. Sometimes you just have to let someone else play with those cool toys, and be satisfied with your own.

-- Paul Chapman

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