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May 9, 2024: App Recommendation: Joplin

I take a lot of notes and visit a lot of webpages for research. I find it invaluable to be able to scoop up info from interesting pages, copy bits of code or ephemera that have proven useful, and save recipes. (I have a lot of recipes . . .)

As far as software that does what I need, I can recommend Joplin. I've been relying on it for over 5 months, and it works great. It lets you type in "fresh" notes as you think of them, or – with a suitable extension installed – copy bits of websites that catch your eye. All its data is stored locally (encrypted, if you like), and it can sync via Dropbox or any similar service you might use.

Joplin is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and iOS. Oh, and it's free and open source. It updates often, so I feel pretty confident I'll be able to use it for a while. It's a bit finicky to set up, especially if you want to be clever and sync . . . [more]

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May 8, 2024: Eurovision Fever!

It's flashy and fun. It's colorful and vibrant. It's a spectacle of songs and props and pyrotechnics and costumes. It's the biggest music competition in the world. 
Each year beginning in 1956, countries across Europe (and in later years, Australia) have sent their very best performers to compete for the trophy. From Albania to the United Kingdom, Eurovision has drawn hundreds of millions of watchers each year. 
Even if you've never heard of Eurovision before, you most likely know two of the most famous winners: Celine Dion (1988, representing Switzerland) and ABBA (1974, representing Sweden). You may have seen the extremely popular Will Ferrell movie Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga.
This year's event, with the theme United by Music, will take place in Malmö, Sweden. The host country is the home of the previous . . .


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May 7, 2024: Winner Takes All . . . To The Game Closet

I can't figure out if I've shared this anecdote before; if I have, Google is failing me. But, to borrow an old quip, "Don't stop me if you've heard this one; I want to tell it again."

My wife's family has a tradition at their gaming table. It stemmed from her childhood, where certain parties (let's call them "her younger brother, Matt") would be less-than-gracious players. The behavior of these players – whomever he may be – would be such that it hampered the enjoyment of games in general for the non-winning participants . . . especially because such winner(s) were particularly skilled at games and thus won a lot.

The parents wanted to do what they could to promote unity at the table, so they had a rule: Whoever won the game had to put it away. This encouraged gracious behavior during the game (why risk alienating potential help with putting the game away?) and shifted the act of post-game . . . [more]

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May 6, 2024: Shattered Pixel Dungeon

There are a ton of great tabletop and digital roleplaying games out there, but sometimes you just want to enjoy some dungeon delving, monster slaying, and treasure hunting. If that sort of thing appeals to you, consider picking up Shattered Pixel Dungeon as soon as you can. It's a simple but addictive game that is easy to play but tough to master. My husband and I have become increasingly obsessed since downloading it to our phones a few weeks ago. 
Shattered Pixel Dungeon is based on Pixel Dungeon, a roguelike game that came out in 2012. Shattered Pixel Dungeon retains the charm of the original, but builds on its predecessor with new music, new unlockable characters, new items, and plenty of other surprises. You start with the option of playing either a Fighter or a Mage. As you continue to play and earn achievements, you'll unlock the Rogue, the Huntress (my personal favorite), . . .


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May 5, 2024: If You Don't Succeed, Dry, Dry Again

I came across some random notes from our household's visit at the end of March to Who's Yer Con, a local three-day Indianpolis convention that punches way above its weight class in terms of fun. However, all these notes seem to be dry-erase-marker based: "Check dry-erase markers. Reinvigorate dry-erase markers? Buy extra dry-erase markers."

Playing it back in my mind, I recall that the markers we had weren't up to the task, and our various "works well with dry-erase markers" accoutrements did not work well with dry dry-erase markers.

Me Circa March was really invested in dry-erase markers, and so I feel prompted to share this tip with you: If you have forthcoming conventions and like dry-erase markers, plan accordingly.

-- Steven Marsh

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