October 28, 2010: The Big Party: What To ExpectCertainly you've heard of the big Munchkin / Steve Jackson Games Anniversary / Tribe Anniversary Party we've got coming up on Sunday. But, you may be asking, what will this "party" be, exactly? Will there be snacks and drinks, games and prizes, fun and frivolity? Yes, yes, and yes! From noon until 8pm, we'll be running Revolution!, Munchkin Zombies, Zombie Dice, Munchkin Cthulhu, Cthulhu Dice, Chez Cthulhu, Munchkin Quest, and whatever other games get requested. We'll have goodie bags for all the attending gamers, and snacks of all kinds. We'll even have cake, since an anniversary is kind of like a birthday, and what's a birthday without cake? SJ will be in attendance from 4pm until whenever the party winds down, and will be happy to sign copies of your games. The formal "signing line" starts at 4:30pm, but he's flexible -- as long as you don't interrupt his conversation, he'll be happy to sign anytime. SJ will also be judging the costume contest. Hey, it's Hallowe'en -- costumes are practically required! Well, not "required," but everyone will have more fun if you dress up like your favorite Munchkin character . . . or maybe a Revolution! character . . . or just a traditional monster! Stop by at 5pm in your best getup, and you might win a prize! -- Paul Chapman Share this post! |
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