Daily Illuminator

June 9, 2011: Congratulations, Axe Cop!

Munchkin Axe Cop In the US, comic creators have the Eisner Awards. In the UK, they have the Eagles. And guess who won the Eagle for Best Webcomic!

(Can't guess? Really? It was Axe Cop. I'd rather hoped that was obvious, because of the title. That's ok, I understand: it's an early morning/it's been a long day, and your brain isn't on top of its game at the moment.)

The list of nominees was filled with Pure Awesome, so it's worth giving it a look. If you're a comics fan, you'll probably recognize many of the titles, but you never know when something will slip by.

And if anyone in the UK is looking for a webcomic creative type as a guest, I understand Ethan is looking to travel, and I know he'd have a couple of Munchkin Axe Cop bookmarks to sign.

-- Paul Chapman


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