Daily Illuminator

December 19, 2010: Put Some Munchkin In Their Stockings!

Just to be safe, let me clarify those as the stockings "hung by the chimney with care," not the stockings you wear as Elf #7 in your local production of "The Night Before Christmas." Stuffing any Munchkin game in wearable stockings isn't going to be good for the stocking, the cards, or the foot.

Now, where was I? Oh, yes: Stocking-stuffer Munchkin! This year, we released seven booster packs: Fairy Dust, Waiting for Santa, Santa's Revenge, Munchkin Booty: Fish & Ships, Star Munchkin: Space Ships, Munchkin Marked for Death, and Munchkin Reloaded!. Each finseal pack has 15 non-randomized, non-collectible cards -- well, Marked for Death has 19, but what's four extra cards among friends? -- and is sized to fit neatly inside a stocking. For less than five bucks each, you can bring a bunch of joy with very little dough. And two of those boosters are even themely with the holiday!

(We also released a booster pack for Deluxe Illuminati called Mutual Assured Distraction, if your intended recipient prefers the conspiracy to the dungeon.)

If the stocking you're stuffing is unusually large or you've decided to put Munchkin under the tree,  we've got the full collection of Munchkin Christmas goodies right here!

-- Paul Chapman

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